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Gory Scene As Ogun Cultists Hang Rival’s Head On Bridge, Take Away His Nody


The cultism menace in Ogun has raised its ugly head once again with the gruesome murder of a rival cult group member by Aye confraternity, also known as the Black Axe, in the Ijoko-Ota area of the state.


According to an eyewitness account, the deceased, identified simply as Seun, belonged to the Eiye confraternity.

The incident, which allegedly happened on Saturday, May 25, 2024, was reported on Twitter (now X) by @naijaconfra.

Seun was allegedly killed at his duty post at Taidom Filling Station, where he worked as a fuel attendant.

The opposing cult members had stormed the filling station, specifically targeting the victim. He was shot at first, causing everyone nearby to scamper for safety.

The assailants subsequently beheaded him and mounted his head on a nearby bridge before taking his remains with them.




The whole area was left in disarray after the incident, with residents living in fear for their lives.



“The alleged Eiye member beheaded today is identified as Seun, a fuel attendant at Taidom Filling Station at Alaroro in Ijoko. According to our sources, the attackers specifically targeted Seun, shooting him first and causing everyone nearby to flee. They then finished him off and beheaded him.


Our sources also confirm that the Ayes left only Seun’s head at the scene, taking his body with them. The streets of Ijoko are now deserted, with residents living in fear. Increased police presence is urgently needed,” @naijaconfra posted.

Ogun Police PRO, Omolola Odutola [Punch]

Police say no report of killing yet

However, the Ogun Police Command Public Relations Officer, Omolola Odutola, said police hadn’t been briefed about the incident.


When asked by this reporter via a text message to confirm the killing, the force spokesperson replied in the negative.


“Thank you for reaching out, I am yet to get a brief of anything like that,” Odutola said on Sunday, May 26, 2024.

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